Expectations of a financial dominatrix

What are the expectations of a financial dominatrix with her submissive financial slave?

Obligations and task of a long term financial slave 

In a Domme/submissive dynamic it is important to have an open communication all the times to be sure expectations are met. A good submissive is always looking to excel, he adores his domme with sacred veneration, and because of this, he is willing to commit to his goddess. The very basic expectation for a financial dominatrix is: money. Access to your finances to perform the exchange of control. I personally expect a committed submissive who knows how to meet deadlines, pay for my luxury life, my basic expenses and activities to pamper myself that I want here and there. 


Obligations and task of any financial slave

Let’s start with the basics, if you are a new slave, or someone who admires a Domme, you HAVE to offer a tribute, specially when approaching (as I already explained here in my post financial domination)

How much to send?

It depends on the kind of thrill you are willing to experience on that moment. Personally I can tell I am not impressed with anything below 500 usd, but off course small tributes don’t go unnoticed, it is just that they might not get my full attention. Thrilling tributes start at 1000 usd, you are not any type of sub when you send this quantity of money. This says so much of you, first that you are someone who loves to play with risk and is serious about getting to a new level of pleasure through servitude and sacrifice. Sending 500 usd tributes and 1000 usd tributes through my wish tender is something incredibly easy  to do, and the thrill of doing it quickly and see how that feels is an arousing experience.


Obligations and task of a long term financial slave, fulfill your purpose as a slave: 

Your purpose is to venerate your superior (me, your domme), submitting your finances to me is the ultimate act of devotion. Under this understanding you will have to: 

Fulfill your  Debt Contract

A debt contract is binding agreement between a Domme and a submissive. In this documents, there are high interest loans where Doms set the rules and subs are required to follow them. There is an amount owed, an interest rate (if applicable) and payment schedule, penalties apply in case a sub pays late or doesn’t meet the payments. To have your own personalized debt contract with me fill the application here, where I will determine if you are a fit for me. I expect consistency. I expect timeliness. I expect a serious commitment to paying off your findom debt. Late Penalties & Interest charges will apply. 

All this payments are meant to pay for my presence in your life, for me to acknowledge you, to give you task and activities so you fulfill your life purpose: to serve a woman like me. 

To be able to ask for my permission to give you the contract, you should make an initial tribute of no less than 75USD via any of My tribute methods. In your contract, you owe (at least 1000 USD), your minimum weekly payment (at least 75USD payable every Friday).

I will draw up a personalized contract and email it to you within 48 hours.

Your debt may be increased at my discretion by any of the following

  • Weekly interest (5% minimum)
  • Admin fees
  • Late payment tax (daily penalty of £25 and must be paid in full before you are permitted to contact Me again)
  • Spin-the-wheel debt increases
  • Spin-the-wheel interest rate

You will be issued with a monthly statement so you can see where on the spiral of debt you are. Be prepared to struggle for Me, Sacrifice and feel rewarded. Send a gift to me, in order for me to acknowledge your existence

There are two ways to adopt one of My bills.

Firstly, you may visit My WishTender page. There you will find a large choice of bills to adopt, but bear in mind that they cannot be set to repeat automatically, so you will have to enjoy pressing send all by yourself.

Secondly, you may simply look down the following shorter selection of weekly bills you can choose from and pay immediately via any of My tribute methods.

Don’t forget, be generous – there is no room in My realm for those who are weak-willed and tight-fisted!

Acts of devotion

I expect my devotees to shower me with gifts and serve me frequently, Here you have some ideas to spoil a Goddess like me:

Holiday Fund 250USD

Luxury vacations ! Your FinDomme Goddess takes vacation every 3 months. Imagine being worthy enough to get pictures of the bills that I spend with your money, and the luxury I get because of your sacrifice. 

Clothes 150USD

I love to shop! An empowered goddess like me has to adorn her body with  delicate garment with elegant materials such as  silk. You will have access to photo evidence of your tributes, the bills and the beautiful garments that I buy with your money. 

Entertainment 100 USD

Cocktail nights, galleries, cinema, anything that entertains me and makes me happy you pay for it, after sending the money, text me a message that puts you in your place, such as: I am just a worm goddess, you deserve everything. 

Nails, spa, pedicure, Massage 75 USD

My feet are your weakness, I know, and they need attention, pampering and money. The skin of a goddess requires special oils, cream, treatments. How rewarding it would be to see me pampering myself using your money, is like you did something useful finally.

Household Bills From 50 USD

A beautiful Goddess like me has people doing stuff for her (off course) cleaners are one of them. I only put organic healthy food on this goddess body. With this tributes, you will be funding my goddess like lifestyle. 

Budget Setting

Are you poor with money, finsub? Is it all too confusing for your small beta brain? Need a Mistress like Me to take control? I’ll do it gladly for an ongoing fee.

Just make an initial tribute of 100 usd, via any of my tribute methods 

When done, you will then contact Me and confirm the tribute you have made. You shall include an itemised list of ALL your outgoings and tell Me your monthly income. 

I will look at the list and tell you which ones are ‘needs’ that you are permitted to keep, which are ‘wants’ so are totally unnecessary and any that need to be reviewed or clarified by you. This will give me enough information to set a budget for you to be financially dominated by me. 

Finsub Savings Account

I have a special financial submissive savings account that grows month by month thanks to my devoted submissives. It is financial submission heaven for my subs. They can pay in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will have the reward of knowing that you are funding my luxury lifestyle 

To open your account, you shall make an initial tribute of no less than 25 USD via any of My tribute methods.

You will then tell Me if you have a savings goal in mind. There is no payment schedule to follow but the more regular the better. We both know it is the only way you will get the release you need.

The account may include the following:

  • Monthly account fee
  • Additional fees/fines

Your account will be immediately activated. After you have accomplished the 200USD milestone,  are made, you will be sent a statement  every month of all of my withdraws and expenses paid with your account. I know it will excite you to see how I have enjoyed draining your hard-earned slave money.


Tithing is a consistent offering sent on a schedule, is also a concept I already explained here among other things in Findom. In my case, as the beautiful goddess I am, I expect to receive 10% of your regular earnings Every payday, weekly or monthly (depends of what I consider you must do and assuming you have been proven a good financial suitor for me, fill the form here to find out), 

Join my fan club to see my financial domination updates here, and send me money there 

How to be the best financial submissive slave

It is normal to be just a looser in a pool of loosers, but how to set yourself apart from the others? This is showing your level of commitment and devotion, you see, most of my slaves are looking for a strong woman to give them task, holds tight financial control because she just knows what is best for them. These are my expectations regarding men who want to be my finsubs. A weekly deposit on my payment methods depending on how ready you feel to serve Goddess Vera. 

Inicial commitment: 50 USD per week

This is not a big amount, I know, but helps you to ease yourself and train your brain into financial submission, plus it test your level of commitment in front of your dom, you will be given task and you will have some of my time to communicate the fantasies you have about being financially dominated, it’s up to me what to do with that information. 

Trusted slave 150 USD week

You are now  reached the point of being ready to feel a moderate level of control over your life. Worship continues but I will set some task that you are to perform.

Expert Slave-Salary minus your allowance

This is the most complete level of FLR. It is the point at which you understand that My happiness is all that matters, and all of your needs are secondary. The household budget is entirely at My control with you having an allowance to live on.

It is possible to lie between levels or feel ready for different stages at different points. The key thing is understanding the power and benefits of accepting Me as your Superior. These financial obligations are here for your benefit, to give you and your life purpose. Adopt one of these to prove you are worthy.

Remember: every a good boy sacrifices for the goddess he follows, an expensive dinner you could have had for yourself is now been enjoyed by me, that’s the highest level of devotion a slave can reach.