Hypnosis as a conditioning tool

also known as “brainwashing”

As I have stated before I have expectations on my submissive and my duty is to be sure they are good servants. You can read about my expectations here and here, you can read about how to be a good servant for Goddess Vera.

This is why I devote some of my time to train you into a slave. Why? You can read more about the appeal of being trained here. And read about the “structure behind a training process here“. But on this post I will focus on the use of hypnosis to “brainwash” a submissive. Additionally, I have written about hypo dommes and hypnosis here, as there is a lot to say regarding the erotic space known as “Erotic hypnosis fetish”, but on here we will focus on conditioning a slave into do whatever I want him to do. 

The use of hypnos to “brainwash” is a constant process of me pushing your boundaries through audios. In the audios (or hypnotic sessions) I make you associate actions with stimulus, that, in the end will result in removing some fears you have and condition you into the slave you want to be but are too afraid to embody. Maybe you might  always wanted to serve financially a goddess, but there’s fear attached to it, the conditioning (training/audios) consist of tools used to remove the fear and to encourage that behavior.  

Working with audios in your training removes all of the effort of taking the time to associate a behavior and stimulus. I can do it in minutes, even seconds with hypnosis. If I want to get transform you into an obedient servant, I have to put you into a trance, and those associations happen quickly and naturally. For example, I want that when you send me a tribute, you associate that with sex, so during the trance I will have you go through having sex in your mind after you make a transaction to my account.  

I spend a lot of time hypnotizing my subs and having them associate my voice with pleasure and satisfaction, as well as making sure they are compelled by something deep inside of them to obey. We also do a lot of play where I reinforce that I own their body and mind.  

When my subs send meet their debt contracts and send me money I make sure to give them little “treats” of attention or pleasure so that they begin to associate serving me financially as being fun.

Conditioning my submissives through audios

Some submissives enjoy to be hypnotized/conditioned through audios into a brainwashed toy / slave / drone. In my case, some more personal levels of conditioning could be:

  • Conditioned into be always be weak to my commands or my voice. 
  • Be inclined to agree with me
  • Me having influence to your thoughts and emotions at will. 

Disclaimer and risk

Some risk of conditioning might imply: 

  • while you retain some of your identity, where you end and I begin becomes a blurred line. 
  • You adores financially serving me.  
  • Dependency
  • Become dependent on me to some degree
  • Desires and craves my attention 
  • obey my orders often without the feeling of being able to choose not to.